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leo slider change images


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I recently bought a theme which uses the leo slider/slideshow. By default, some images are shown... I (obviously) want to change the images, but I just can't find how to do it (I can't find the images in BO either). Can anyone point me to where the images are or how to change the images of the leo slider/slideshow?

I do find the leo slideshow configuration, but I can't find where the images of the slideshow are...

Screenshot from 2019-08-23 10-16-30.png

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so, the url is wrong... apparently, the url of the image is: /themes/classic/assets/img/modules/leoslideshow/woman-studying.jpg , not /modules/leoslideshow/img/woman-studying.jpg

How can I make the leo slideshow BO upload the image to the right directory, or let the leo slideshow FO get the right url?

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  • 6 months later...

Did you get any answer from the developers? I have the same problem, i can not change anything in the Leo Slideshow, not the images, not the text, not the times...

I can configure it and it looks well in BO, but not on my site.

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On 3/3/2020 at 10:44 PM, juamo said:

Did you get any answer from the developers? I have the same problem, i can not change anything in the Leo Slideshow, not the images, not the text, not the times...

I can configure it and it looks well in BO, but not on my site.

I'm experiencing the same problem, all updates done in BO are not translating on front, very frustrating. This is happening in both megamenu and slideshow modules.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

I had the same problem... and I've just fixed it.  Just make sure you have the right configuration.  

I had:

- the Ap Hook Control panel set up. (leo slider was under Display Home hook)

- The Ap Page builder profile had the widget (module) within a group in the Display Home section.

- My own slider images were uploaded...and the Slider group was enabled.

But then I noticed two things were missing:

a) The option "Show in Hook" was blank in the Slider Group configuration. Then I selected "DisplayHome" and saved.

b) In the AP Profile Manager, I clicked on the Edit button for the widget(Inside the group and column), and then selected the Group of sliders I wanted to display. 


I hope it helps.






Edited by Jcbartola
adding more details. (see edit history)
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