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[SOLVED] trying to add an additional tab on the product page to show a CMS page

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Hi, I'm using the Fennecs theme by 2link in a project of a t-shirts store, and I'm trying to add an additional tab on the product page in order to show a CMS page of "size guiding", or if it's possible to add the link to that CMS page just below the short description or the size selector drop-list... I'm using PS and the website is http://www.franelas.co/pv/

Any help? I'm really newbie with PS and low knowledge of css/php... thanks in advance.

Greetings from Colombia!

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HI Diego
You could try to do a smarty include where you have the text "size guide",

try this

$cms = new CMS(1, intval($cookie->id_lang));
if (Validate::isLoadedObject($cms))
  $smarty->assign('content', $cms->content);

and change the 1 for the correct CMS page id

Not sure if that is going to work but no harm trying it, if not just copy the size guide text into your new tab area.

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Ok finally i got it!!

i putted the code you gave me in the end of product.php file like this:

$cms = new CMS(6, intval($cookie->id_lang));
if (Validate::isLoadedObject($cms))
  $smarty->assign('cmscontent', $cms->content);
  $smarty->assign('cmsname', $cms->meta_title);

then i putted the smarty tags of cms title and content in the product.tpl file:

Then i checked if the page loads ok with the changes and voila!! check the attach image to see result...


{l s='Product'}
       {if isset($accessories) AND $accessories}{l s='complete your Look'}{/if}
       {if $product->description}{l s='More infos'}{/if}


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