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Several front end - one shopping cart


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I wonder if you have any advice and if a setup like I the one I want is possible with prestashop?

I want to sell a wide range of products that are somewhat connected, but not closely related. I'd like to have specialised shops with a touch and feel that is related to the specific area, each with an own domain... but I would like it to be possible to easily switch between the different stores, still keeping the same loggin and to make one shopping cart with products from different shops.

I hope you understand what I mean? :)

Is this a good or bad idea? Is it possible with Prestashop?

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for that to be possible you will need this (maybe other module solutions as well)


cookies are 'by domain', so if prod in cart for domain1 and visit domain2 then product not present from domain1.  This must be solved before your could consider a multiple domain sharing cart stragety.

MultiStore works well and I suggest creating a test shop that you can test multistore, i.e. configuration options avail when you add a domain.

learn more here



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