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Local to Hosted Domain.


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Hello, I created a website in Prestashop using Wampserver 3.1.4 locally on my PC.

I have bought a domain for it and logged in on their platform, but I don't understand where I get the files (from the prestashop on my local pc) that I need to upload into the ftp (on the new domain, hosted server).

Can anyone route me to an existing topic about the steps that I need to take in order to upload my website on the online domain?

Thank you!


Edited by Pathway (see edit history)
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This sounds more like something you should ask your hosting provider.

Files are usually uploaded to a public_html directory. But it depends on the provider. Some providers give only access to the public_html, others also several levels below. Upload a simple php hello world file to check it out for yourself.

Don't forget that besides the files you also need to upload the database - usually in phpmyadmin

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