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Migration problems...


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i moved my prestashop from http://www.urvirl.in/rfshop to a new address at http://www.vhfuhf.in


the site is on the same server (GODADDY) and it's just a change of the domain hence the DB location also remains the same.


now when i try to open www.vhfuhf.in it gives me a blank page but the ADMIN site at www.vhfuhf.in/admin321  opens perfectly.


cannot understand why is this happening.

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6 hours ago, 5haun said:

Go to config/defines.inc.php and turn on error reporting

define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);




so i did what you told and got the following line:


Fatal error: Class 'IndexController' not found in /home/urvirl/public_html/vhfuhf/classes/controller/Controller.php on line 134





Edited by saintofinternet
attaching screenshot (see edit history)
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