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PS 1.7 Add/Edit Product Page in Back Office Intermittently Broken


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I have an intermittently recurring issue. On some days the site back office is working OK, on other days the site back office is broken.

After logging into the back office if I try to edit or add a product, the back office product page has numerous errors.

PHP: 7.0.32
Memory limit: 128M
Max execution time: 30
Required parameters: OK
Optional parameters: OK

When trying to edit an existing product...

1. The uploaded images are missing.

2. HTML tags are showing in the summary and description areas.

3. Character count value is missing.

4. Category chooser panel not loading correctly.

5. The save/duplicate product menu bar at the bottom is entirely missing.



The web inspector is showing an error 500 for the fist file that the page tries to load.




I have posted previously about this, but I hope this is clearer.

I hope someone can help. Thank you.



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