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Guide - Install Prestashop on Windows 2003 64-bit R2 and IIS 6.0

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First of all I am going to be following the Install Guide posted here - http://www.prestashop.com/wiki/Getting_Started/#Install_PrestaShop.'>http://www.prestashop.com/wiki/Getting_Started/#Install_PrestaShop.

Before you setup you PrestaShop webpage in IIS there is some pre-work that we will need to do. Lets start with installing PHP 64-bit.

1. Goto http://fusionxlan.com/PHPx64.php to get the latest build of php for 64-bit platforms. (during time of writing "php-5.2.5-x64-2007-11-12.zip" is the most current build)
2. Create a folder on your computer "C:\PHPx64". I perfer using the root directory but you can use any path that you would like.
3. Extract all of the files and folders in the "php-5.2.5 (x64)" folder to the folder you just created. "C:\PHPx64"
4. Rename php.ini-recommended to php.ini
5. Uncomment cgi.force_redirect in php.ini and set equal to 0 (cgi.force_redirect = 0).
6. Create a session state folder and point the session.save_path php.ini variable to it. I created C:\PHPx64\Sessions. Change the value of the session.save_path variable in php.ini to be the full path to that folder (session.save_path=C:\PHPx64\Sessions).
7. Uncomment the following extensions;
8. Add "C:\PHPx64" to the server's PATH environment variable
- right-click on My Computer, choose Properties
- flip to the Advanced tab
- click the Environment Variables button
-Double-click the Path variable in the list of System variables.
- Add "C:\PHP;" (sans quotes) to the beginning.
-The new PATH will be available to any new command prompt, but not to existing ones; bounce the server if you want to be sure that it will take effect.
9. Add to the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PHP\IniFilePath = C:\PHPx64
- Open Regedit
- Browse to HKLM\Software
- Add key "PHP"
- Add string "IniFilePatch" Value "C:\PHPx64"

Ok now you got PHP configured. Let's move onto configureing IIS 6.0 For these steps, open IIS Manager (Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager).

1. Add and allow the PHP ISAPI Extension to IIS Web Service Extensions: C:\PHP\php5isapi.dll
- Expand the local computer in the left pane
- Click on "Web Service Extensions" in the left pane
- In the right pane, click the blue underlined text, "Add a new Web service extension..."
- Enter "PHP ISAPI Extension" as the "Extension name"
- Click the "Add..." button and browse to the php5isapi.dll file in your PHP install folder
- Check the "Set extension status to Allowed" checkbox and click "OK"
2. Add new extension (.php)
- Expand the local computer in the left pane
- Right-click on "Web Sites" in the left pane, then click "Properties" in the menu that pops up
- Flip to the "Home Directory" tab
- Click "Configuration"
- Flip to the "Mappings" tab
- Click "Add..."
- Enter the full path to php5isapi.dll in the "Executable" textbox (Browse... to find it more easily if you need to)
- Enter ".php" in the "Extension" textbox
- Select radial button "Limit to", enter "GET,POST,HEAD" (sans quotes)
- Click "OK" all the way out

Now follow steps 3, 4, 5, and 6 in the Install Guide here http://www.prestashop.com/wiki/Getting_Started/#Install_PrestaShop

Lets go back to IIS and setup the website. I will assume that you are using the "Default Web Site".

1. Create new virtual directory
- Right-click on the "Default Web Site" in the left pane
- Select New -> Virtual Directory
- Name it "Prestashop" (or whatever you want)
- Browse to the directory that you extracted PrestaShop too
- Make sure Read and Run Scripts are checked
2. Change "Default Content Page" to "index.php"
- Right-click "Prestashop" in left pane and select "Properties"
- Select the "Documents" tab
- Delete all files listed in the list box
- Click "Add"
- type "index.php" and select ok

Make sure you have created a MySQL database for PrestaShop.

Continue onto step 7 and 8 and you are done!

Hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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I had this warning from the admin side login page:

Path is not the same between your browser and you server :

- Server:

- Browser:

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  • 4 months later...
I had this warning from the admin side login page:

Path is not the same between your browser and you server :

- Server:

- Browser:

Hi there,

Here is the solution for fixing “Path is not the same between your browser and you server”:


Good luck!
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