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Impossible to add a new product


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I'm a new user of prestashop, after upgrading to version, it is impossible for me to add a new product. When pressing "new product" in my admin, it send me directly to my dashboard. When pressing add or duplicate from an existing product this message appear: unable to update the settings. Thank you

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Hi after enabling debug mode via the performance page, I don't see any error message when trying to recreate the problem. As I haven't created a lot of products till now, I think I'm going to reinstall Prestashop and if the problem occures, I will use an older version. Thank you guys

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2 hours ago, Angelu said:

Hi after enabling debug mode via the performance page, I don't see any error message when trying to recreate the problem. As I haven't created a lot of products till now, I think I'm going to reinstall Prestashop and if the problem occures, I will use an older version. Thank you guys


try debug with chrome:  (in particular  you will want to view console for errors (.js)

  1. Open Google Chrome on your computer. ...
  2. Click the three vertical dots icon. ...
  3. Hover over More Tools on the drop-down menu. ...
  4. Click Developer Tools on the More Tools sub-menu. ...
  5. Hover over an element on the Inspector column. ...
  6. Right-click an element you want to inspect on any web page. ...
  7. Select Inspect on the drop-down menu.
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13 hours ago, kikichallenge said:

Hello ps1.7.4.2 sucks. use older or magento. This is broken.


do you  know how to debug PS at least to get debug info?  maybe it's not ps that  sucks but you....we are using 1.7 since beta and think 1742 is good release and the ps theme/module eco is mature.  So in future try helping because you do not have the reputation yet for anyone to take you very seriously.

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