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[SOLVED] Help Needed - How to change tpl file if ISO is en/de/fr?

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I plan to use slidedeck jquery on homepage
The slidedeck html code is called using

{if $page eq 'index'}  HTML CODE {/if} 

What i need to do is call 3 versions of this slide depending on ISO code used...
Here is what I have but so far its calling up the tpl file 3 times?

{foreach from=$languages key=k item=language name="languages"}

      {if $lang_iso eq 'en'} {include file=$tpl_dir./slidedeck-en.tpl} 
      {elseif $lang_iso eq 'de'}{include file=$tpl_dir./slidedeck-de.tpl} 
      {elseif $lang_iso eq 'fr'} {include file=$tpl_dir./slidedeck-fr.tpl}  {/if}


Any ideas how to do this without it being called 3 times?
Thanks in advance :-)

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You can test this :
{if {$lang_iso == en}{include file=$tpl_dir./slidedeck-en.tpl}
{elseif ... 

You don't need the "foreach".
Sorry for my poor english...

Thanks but that does nothing?
I have tried with == instead of eq & i have tried != and neq
I have noticed that without wrapping in a foreach it wont work at all? so your code is no good to me
My version works but duplicates the result 3 times - why is this please prestashop /smarty experts
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Sorted now, Worked it out by not using

{else} or {elseif}

and removing

{foreach} & {/foreach}

and wrapping each line with

{if..... {/if}

Here is how it worked out for me...

  {if $page eq 'index'} 

              {if $lang_iso == en}
English slideshow - removed it for now while it gets fixed{include file=$tpl_dir./slidedeck-en.tpl}{/if}

               {if $lang_iso == fr}
French slideshow - removed it for now while it gets fixed{include file=$tpl_dir./slidedeck-en.tpl}{/if}

               {if $lang_iso == es}
Spanish slideshow - removed it for now while it gets fixed{include file=$tpl_dir./slidedeck-en.tpl}{/if}


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