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Oops! An Error Occurred "500 Internal Server Error"


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I want the green 'New' label to be removed, it's at Preferences->Products but I have an error:

Oops! An Error Occurred

The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error".

Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.


With the debugger I found something, but now I don't know what to do. I have no access to the database next two weeks. Do I need an SQL file to edit or via phpmyadmin?

Found this link: is this the onliest way?


Schermafbeelding 2018-08-02 om 13.32.50.png

Schermafbeelding 2018-08-02 om 13.33.00.png

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Presashop 1.7.4. does not run with php 7.1. I made several tests and was also involved on the debugging of this version. Didn't have any luck with php versions under 7.2. So try to upgrade the php-version on your server, or stay with PS 1.7.3.latest. This one is still compatible with php 7.1.

See also revised and tested server configuration I wrote here: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/633857-server-requirements-for-ps-17/

Update php-version.

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You can check also the information in the Advanced Parameters, there you will be warned if your server does not meet some minimum requirements.

And about the php, in the past I have tested PS 1.7.3.x with php 7.3 and also doesn't works, I don't know if PrestaShop 1.7.4.x is now compatible with php 7.3



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@Trendweb - You cannot run Prestashop 1.7. latest versions with php 5.6.x. You ever tried this ? I tried. php 5.6. is good for PS 1.6. For PS 1.7.0-1.7.3 you can use php 5.6.30 till 5.6.37 with several restrictions and scripting errors. Best performance you will get with php 7.0 and 7.1.

Specially PS 1.7.4. will not run with php 5.6.. It does nor run with php 7.1. and also not with php 7.3. You can read this also here, which is confirmed by Prestashop developer team: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/BOOM-5759?focusedCommentId=170189&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-170189

The solution of the problem was already debugged. It is a problem of symfony migration to latest version, old 1-click module script and IN THIS CASE SQL

Solution you will find here: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/BOOM-5982

or simply replace/update the 1-click module from the one  you will find here: https://github.com/PrestaShop/autoupgrade/releases-



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This is demo, and not a project in production.... For demo you can use what you want. See link I add afterwards. Prestashop team is also confirming that in production it will not run. You noticed also all you are having in red and orange.... These are not optimal. After adding some products, customers and orders site will get slower and slower and slower. We in fact are talking about two different things. A shop in production and a demo install without any value...

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Well, the min. requirements I wrote are for shop in production. Feed your shop with about 5.000 products and some product sizing (via csv), some customers, some orders and some bought modules. You will see that the shop is not running by the same way as demo with 5 samples. As you can see you on profiling you are already having problems with your site. All what is red and orange. This will not get better when shop is in production. Orange means that: you can use, but it is not what Prestashop recommends....


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Do you want to sell, or only install a demo ? That is the point. I don't think that users are in need of "heureka" I finally installed Prestashop and in 3 month they need to begin from zero again, with new server environment. This is what nobody needs. Not a shop owner/operator. I don't think that users are here for to play, but for to seriously mount their business. So do it right from beginning on and no remediation is needed in a couple of month or a year when business is growing. Take an environment which is also tested in production, instead to play.

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Please concentrate your answers to main topic. Discussion here is getting off-topic. You are quoting old things from some month ago, besides IT-technicians never will count to the coders. IT-technicians are system administrators in all line (software, hardware, data management, etc.). So knowledge is wider than only programming/coding. And yes I'm developer too, but not the classic one you are thinking.

Solution of the problem is already given, so no need further discussion here.

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2 hours ago, Trendweb said:


You even removed one of my posts proving you are wrong.

Ooooh that is so sad. You know you are wrong, everything shows you are wrong.

I had no idea consorship was still allowed in a democratic society.


For Shame

Kind Regards


As I said before: off-topic content will be removed. There is no connection with the Trump video you added and the problem here in description.

Again I ask you to be professional and stop personal attack. The solution of the problem is given in the forge-ticket, which by the way is closed as fixed as well. http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/BOOM-5982

If you cannot follow the two solutions given there, I kindly ask you to contract somebody which can help you, or simply wait for next release instead to make troubles here.

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  • 1 month later...


I have already upgraded my shop to so I need to follow the solution with inputting two new queries into the database. How do I do that, does someone have some more detailed instructions? I upgraded the 1-Click Upgrade module AFTER so that won't help me now, since it is of the latest version and prestashop was upgraded before of that.

Many thanks in advance.

Best regards,

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