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[Solved] Rounded Corners for the page div

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Hello, I'm working on a custom Prestashop theme for my website. I'm using the standard template and editing it accordingly. I would very much like to have the entire page div with rounded corners against a background picture. I have a method that I frequently use on websites to make a rounded corners div but for the life of me I have no idea where / if I can place the HTML code ( I.E one giant div that encompasses the entire page.) I'm just starting out with php, so I find the setup a bit confusing. Hopefully I'm giving all of the information I need here, but to re-state I want a background image and then a fixed width page div with rounded corners. Thanks in advance for any help.


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The main HTML of the website is in header.tpl and footer.tpl in your theme's directory and the CSS is in css/global.css in your theme's directory. You can find the CSS for the header and footer in the /* global layout */ section of global.css. The #page section is the one I modified to add corners on my website.

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