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How to add php banner to home page or block?

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I have a html/php page:

       <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />    
   $nameOfSlideshowToDisplay = "z";
   $URLofyoursite = "...";
   $AbsoluteServerPathofyoursite = "...";

The "..." is working path.
If I start it in IE, the page is working, but i do not how to insert the code in home.tpl or other .tpl. I try in header.php, but then it is visible on every page.
Please help me to adding this banner.

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You can use a module to add the code..
If i add the code in module, do not see anything. I try with:
AddHeader v0.1.0
Home text editor v1.5
Block advertising v0.1
HOME Free block v1.1

I wont to try "{if $page_name == ‘index’} {/if}", but I do not know how. Maybe i should put the code between} {, or somewhere.. The result is
Fatal error: Smarty error: [in /...header.tpl line 15]: syntax error: unidentified token '�index�' (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 1410) in...

Plese if not your problem, write me all of the code to put in .tpl


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No sorry, the banner is not displayed.
I try many combinations, if the code is inside php tag, no errors, but and not displayed. If i purposely wrong.. just text displayed.

Where i wrong?

{if $page_name == 'index'}{php}
   $nameOfSlideshowToDisplay = "z";
   $URLofyoursite = "...";
   $AbsoluteServerPathofyoursite = "/...";

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