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[SOLVED]Im currently using black and white theme

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hi im currently using black and white theme.

I'm editing the websites, and i cant find what file to edit this SHIPPING page.

i think this is where the customers will chose the type of carrier.

but i only will allow one carrier to deliver the product.

what file should i edit to have what i want.????

the attached file is the page which i want to edit..


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i think "<input type="radio" class="radio" name="id_carrier" value="{$carrier.id_carrier|intval}" id="id_carrier{$carrier.id_carrier|intval}" {if $carrier.id_carrier == $checked || ($checked == 0 && $i == 0) || ($carriers|@sizeof == 1)}checked="checked"{/if} />" this code is the part where the available carriers shows, but for me, nothing showed and says in white color "There is no carrier available that will deliver to this address".. i checked the BO settings, and i even tried to created my own zone which will only contain the country which i want to able the carrier service, but still not working.. same results......

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