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PS1.7 Back Office css problem?

Ray UK

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So after a very long time ive manage to get past the upgrade errors (during DbUpgrade) going from 1.6 to 1.7.2
I can't upgrade past 1.7.2 as the error returns.
I have updated the PHP version (which was too low and causing issues) and the timeouts, but updating from 1.7.2 to the latest gives the same failure during the DbUpgrade process, so im now stuck on 1.7.2

Anyhow, the 1.7.2 seems ok so far on the front end, but the back office is iffy.
Some of the B.O works fine, yet other pages dont show correctly.
For instance:
Products Page: works fine.
Dashboard: the css for the menu is garbled. ( see image)

Looking at the code for the css source:

products, stock, modules all use: /themes/new-theme/public/theme.css ( menu is fine)
all other pages:/themes/default/css/schemes/admin-theme-blue.css (menu is messed up as per image)

So 2 questions here:
Why is the update not working
Why are some pages using a different css for the menu in B.O


Thanks in advance


Edited by MerseyRay (see edit history)
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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

It was some time ago, but I guess all the files (as I didn't make any changes to original files) - even with the install folder (again, from what I remember, there was some installation process, which updated the database etc.). But firstly, maybe try with only the admin folder?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I sorted it out after a lot of messing around. I tried replacing the whole admin folder and that didnt work.

I think what solved it was by logging into phpmyadmin.

ps_employee - bo_theme ( set to default )
ps_employee - bo_css (set to admin-theme.css)

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  • 1 year later...
On 3/23/2020 at 3:51 PM, joelsteinmann said:

here some more views of admin..


I have the same issue. I tried also to copy the admin and the classic theme but it did not work. I also had this issue on a fresh install.

Deactivating the cache did not change anything as well.

I tried to check my nginx config which works for an install but could not find any difference.

I'll post as soon as I can find something.

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