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How to import products from CSV with multiple attributes

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Hi, my problem is that i have lingerie products with multiple attributes.

Here is the example: Product ID, name, color, size, price, quantity

At this point the software recognize the product as different products. Different product for every size and color.
My table looks like this:

001, bikini, red, M, 5.00, 24
001, bikini, white, M, 5.00, 24
001, bikini, white, S, 5.00, 24

When I import the products this way, the system recognize them as 3 different products. How to fix them?


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You should create two separate CSV files: one for products and one for combinations. For example, create a product CSV file like this:


and a combination CSV file like this:

Product ID;Options (Group:Value);Price;Quantity

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