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[SOLVED] Modify blocknewproducts to show products from one category

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Change line 65 of modules/blocknewproducts/blocknewproducts.php from:

$newProducts = Product::getNewProducts(intval($params['cookie']->id_lang), 0, intval(Configuration::get('NEW_PRODUCTS_NBR')));


//$newProducts = Product::getNewProducts(intval($params['cookie']->id_lang), 0, intval(Configuration::get('NEW_PRODUCTS_NBR')));
$category = new Category(2, intval($params['cookie']->id_lang));
$newProducts = $category->getProducts(intval($params['cookie']->id_lang), 1, 10);

Change 2 to the ID of the category you want to get the products from and 10 to how many products you want to get. Note that the more products you get, the slower your website will become.

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Hmmm, it's still not working. Below is the code from my .php and .tpl files for this module, including the fix you mentioned.


class BlockNewProducts extends Module
   private $_html = '';
   private $_postErrors = array();
   function __construct()
       $this->name = 'blocknewproducts';
       $this->tab = 'Blocks';
       $this->version = 0.9;
       /* The parent construct is required for translations */
       $this->page = basename(__FILE__, '.php');
       $this->displayName = $this->l('New products block');
       $this->description = $this->l('Displays a block featuring newly added products');
   function install()
       if (parent::install() == false 
               OR $this->registerHook('home') == false
               OR Configuration::updateValue('NEW_PRODUCTS_NBR', 5) == false)
           return false;
       return true;
   public function getContent()
       $output = ''.$this->displayName.'';
       if (Tools::isSubmit('submitBlockNewProducts'))
           if (!$productNbr = Tools::getValue('productNbr') OR empty($productNbr))
               $output .= ''.$this->l('You should fill the "products displayed" field').'';
           elseif (intval($productNbr) == 0)
               $output .= ''.$this->l('Invalid number.').'';
               Configuration::updateValue('NEW_PRODUCTS_NBR', intval($productNbr));
               $output .= 'l('Confirmation').'" />'.$this->l('Settings updated').'';
       return $output.$this->displayForm();
   public function displayForm()
    $output = '
       <form action="'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'" method="post">
_path.'logo.gif" alt="" title="" />'.$this->l('Settings').'
'.$this->l('Products displayed').'

                   <input type="text" name="productNbr" value="'.Configuration::get('NEW_PRODUCTS_NBR').'" />

'.$this->l('Set the number of products to be displayed in this block').'

<input type="submit" name="submitBlockNewProducts" value="'.$this->l('Save').'" class="button" />            

       return $output;
   function hookhome($params)
       global $smarty;
       $currency = new Currency(intval($params['cookie']->id_currency));
       //$newProducts = Product::getNewProducts(intval($params['cookie']->id_lang), 0, intval(Configuration::get('NEW_PRODUCTS_NBR')));
$category = new Category(73, intval($params['cookie']->id_lang));
$newProducts = $category->getProducts(intval($params['cookie']->id_lang), 1, 10);
       $new_products = array();
       if ($newProducts)
           foreach ($newProducts AS $newProduct)
               $new_products[] = $newProduct;
       $smarty->assign('new_products', $new_products);
       return $this->display(__FILE__, 'blocknewproducts.tpl');
   function hookLeftColumn($params)
       return $this->hookhome($params);

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<!-- MODULE Block new products -->

{l s='New products' mod='blocknewproducts'}
{l s='See all' mod='blocknewproducts'}

   {if $new_products}
           {foreach from=$new_products item=product name=myLoop}


           {if $product.description_short}




           {if $product.description_short}




           {if $product.description_short}




           {if $product.description_short}




{l s='No new product at this time' mod='blocknewproducts'}

<!-- /MODULE Block new products -->

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Yes, it seems your code is hardcoded to display only 4 products. Try the following code instead:

<!-- MODULE Block new products -->

{l s='New products' mod='blocknewproducts'}
{l s='See all' mod='blocknewproducts'}

   {if $new_products}

           {foreach from=$new_products item=new_product name=myLoop}

            <a href="{$new_product.link}">
             <img src="{$img_prod_dir}{$new_product.id_image}-small.jpg" height="40" width="40" alt="{$new_product.legend|escape:htmlall:'UTF-8'}">

             <a href="{$new_product.link}" title="{$new_product.name|escape:htmlall:'UTF-8'}">{$new_product.name|escape:htmlall:'UTF-8'|truncate:30}

           {if $new_product.description_short}

             <a href="{$new_product.link}">{$new_product.description_short|strip_tags:htmlall:'UTF-8'|truncate:60}
             <a class="linkview" href="{$new_product.link}" title="{$new_product.name|escape:htmlall:'UTF-8'}">              




{l s='No new product at this time' mod='blocknewproducts'}

<!-- /MODULE Block new products -->

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi rocky

i put this code below in my blocknewsproducts.php. it's OK, but i have the fourth first product from ID 29 and no the 5 last adde product. and how i can to put several id? i want to put 29,6,165,46


//$newProducts = Product::getNewProducts(intval($params['cookie']->id_lang), 0, intval(Configuration::get('NEW_PRODUCTS_NBR')));
$category = new Category(29, intval($params['cookie']->id_lang));
$newProducts = $category->getProducts(intval($params['cookie']->id_lang), 1, 4);

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