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Override from Module not working / PS 1.7

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Hey Guys,

I am trying to override the following classes:


So i created a module and placed it into the "/modules" directory

In my module directory I created the folder "override" where I placed the following files:



But even when I am uninstall the module, deleting the cache (/app/cache/prod/classes_index.php) and install the modul again I am always receiving the error message when trying to activate the module:

enable von Modul bw_checkout nicht möglich: Das Override kann nicht installiert werden: Das Verzeichnis (/app/override/classes) ist nicht beschreibbar


enable from module mymodule not possible: The Override cannot be installed: The directory (/app/override/classes) is no describable.
But even when creating all the directories manually and try to activate again only the Customer.php gets copied. But there are always missing a lot of code in the file so that it gets broken in there..
Normally the directories should be created automatically or?

Maybe there is another to reach my target than using overrides.
I want to change the whole checkout process therefore I need to remove the checkout steps and adding only my own one.
I read about hooks, but I do not see how to completly override a page with a hook, maybe someone can help me out here.

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