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Show modules on CMS pages

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Hi together

I would want to have some modules on the left side to be displayed also on the cms pages. For example some information block modules and the categories block module. these should be displayed on every cms page, but at the moment, they are only displayed on the product lists, although they are set correctly in the positions and displaying in the categories pages.

all the hook exception fields are empty, so i assume that it's not about something there. it must be somewhere else.

How can i make modules to be displayed on the cms-pages as well? can anyone help me please?

best regards and many thanks in advance.

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Yes, i am using a third party module called fashion_white.
the link to the page is: www.toutelle.com

in the collection, you can see three modules displaying on the left and as soon as you click on one cms article, all the modules disappear.

i tried to check the cms.tpl file, but i have no clue, what to insert there to make the modules appear:

{if !$content_only}
   {capture name=path}{l s=$cms->meta_title}{/capture}
   {include file=$tpl_dir./breadcrumb.tpl}
{if $cms}


   {l s='This page does not exist.'}

{if !$content_only}

{l s='Home'}

Thanks a lot for your help.
best regards

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It is line 58 of themes/fashion_white/header.tpl that you need to change:

{if $page_name == 'category'}

The theme display the left column on the category page only. To display it on the CMS pages too, change the line to:

{if $page_name == 'category' OR $page_name == 'cms'}

Also, the right column is displayed on all pages except for the category page, homepage and product page. You can change that on line 4 of themes/fashion_white/footer.tpl:

{if $page_name != 'category' && $page_name != 'index' && $page_name != 'product'}

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Hi rocky

you're great!!! thanks a lot! it worked so far, except that now, the right column' modules are not next to the text, but below the text. take a look here:

i tried to move the code snippet from the footer.tpl to the header.tpl below the center-tag, but it didn't work. Do you have me an idea there as well?

thanks again very much for your help!

best regards

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It's because the width of the center column is set for there to be only one column displayed, not two.

There are two options. You can remove the right column by changing line 4 of themes/fashion_white/footer.tpl from:

{if $page_name != 'category' && $page_name != 'index' && $page_name != 'product'}


{if $page_name != 'category' && $page_name != 'index' && $page_name != 'product' && $page_name != 'cms'}

Or you can decrease the width the centre column on the CMS page by adding the following to themes/fashion_white/css/global.css:

body#cms #center_column { width: 474px }

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