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Featured Products - Remove Bottom Gap

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I am using the default theme... I removed the "Add to Cart" button on the featured items on the homepage, and now have this ugly large gap under the featured items... it almost looks like another row of the featured items table so to speak. How can i completely remove it, and move the View Item button up a bit to center it. See attached image.

Thanks in advanced!


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Hi zenrider420
can you tell me how you removed the"Add to Cart" button ?

Hey there Hai,

Here is a post on how to remove the Add to Cart button...

Nerdygurl, thanks for the fast reply and tips... i have been checking the global.css but have not had any luck... it's almost like a table with one too many rows... Just need to remove that last row. I'll keep working on it... anyone have any ideas?
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Hey there!

i suggest that you use firebug with Firefox, so you can see the global.css better and live!

on firefox click on featured products with left mouse -> inspect element

you will see that de UL element

element.style {

this height is calculated based on how many rows do you have x height of product box!

look at global.css bellow too, and change to your needs

#center_column div.products_block p.product_desc {global.css (línea 1037)

Now you have to edit homefeatured.tpl Line 6!

{assign var='liHeight' value=NEW_VALUE}

I hope that cover your needs ...

see it 5 products in a row on

See you!

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  • 2 months later...

I have the same exact problem as zenrider420 above but I haven't managed to solve it.
If I change the height in #center_column div.products_block p.product_desc in global.css
again (I changed it from 9.5em to 4em) the gap disappears but the view button/text is then at the bottom of the box and the space betwen the descr text and the product image is too wide which is ugly. So how can I narrow the first gap and get rid of the white line/new row below the view button?

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  • 1 year later...

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