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SOLVED!! - cannot switch off accented URL and friendly URLs - 500 Error - images do not show in different places - question marks instead

Dan Baciu

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Hi everyone,

I occurred some 500 errors and the images are missing in the products pages and few some other places. Mostly of the images are show in the category pages excepting when I am deleting and uploading new images.

I deleted my httaccess file and I tried to regenerate it. When I turned off the accented URL and friendly URL buttons an 500 error appear. I cannot switch them off to regenerate the httaccess file.

I successfully regenerated the thumbnails of the images.

I also checked the images folders permission.

Since today everything was fine but today it appears.

Today I did some modifies at the robots.txt file, then the website collapse (500 error front and back office). I reupload the previous robots.txt file and I cleared the cache and I have again access at the front and back office again with the above mentioned issues.

The change that I made at the robots.txt file before collapse was: 

I excluded the “Disallow: */modules/ “ command from the robots txt file.

I did this exclusion because in the webmasters tool I got the warning that some indexed  ( 75 URLs ) are blocked by the robots.txt

Since now, I didn't find any way to restore the the missing images and to make the back office working correctly (switching off the friendly url and accented URL buttons).

Any ideas how to fix it?

Thank you in advance! 

Edited by Dan Baciu (see edit history)
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Thank you for the answer!

The message in debug mode is: 

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Access to undeclared static property: Validate::$values in /home/ierom/public_html/classes/controller/AdminController.php:1150 Stack trace: #0 /home/ierom/public_html/classes/controller/AdminController.php(699): AdminControllerCore->processUpdateOptions() #1 /home/ierom/public_html/controllers/admin/AdminMetaController.php(414): AdminControllerCore->postProcess() #2 /home/ierom/public_html/classes/controller/Controller.php(171): AdminMetaControllerCore->postProcess() #3 /home/ierom/public_html/classes/Dispatcher.php(373): ControllerCore->run() #4 /home/ierom/public_html/admin5726/index.php(54): DispatcherCore->dispatch() #5 {main} thrown in /home/ierom/public_html/classes/controller/AdminController.php on line 1150

Edited by Dan Baciu (see edit history)
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7 hours ago, musicmaster said:

I see still urls without numbers...

Now, the id numbers are on but still no images and still cannot set some things in the back office. I also downgraded the server PHP to 5.6  Any other suggestion.


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1 hour ago, musicmaster said:

In that case you should just delete it.

Thank you for the answers!

I managed some how to delete it and to regenerated it.

Pictures in the categories are shown only when the friendly URL is switch off but, I cannot access the products pages.

I got the following error 500


Invalid product vars
at line 104 in file classes/Link.php


98. 			if (is_array($product) && isset($product['id_product']))
99. 				$product = new Product($product['id_product'], false, $id_lang, $id_shop);
100. 			elseif ((int)$product)
101. 				$product = new Product((int)$product, false, $id_lang, $id_shop);
102. 			else
103. 				throw new PrestaShopException('Invalid product vars');
104. 		}
106. 		// Set available keywords
107. 		$params = array();
108. 		$params['id'] = $product->id;
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When friendly URL is on It hapened the followings:

- The pictures from category disappeared . The error from Product pages disappears but I can not see the pictures in the product pages.

When Friendly URL is off - The pictures in the category pages are fine but I get the previous mentioned error when I open the product page.  


Invalid product vars
at line 104 in file classes/Link.php

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