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Abandoned Carts


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Hi Folks

I understand that I can see abandoned carts in the Back Office
but today when I visited my Web Site I could see 30+ items that had been added in my Front Office?

I removed the abandoned cart but later on in the day it happened again with another abandoned
cart with 20 + items showing in the Front Office?

Any Ideas why this is happening folks?

Also if I can see the items in the cart in Front Office can my visitors see them too?

Any advice would be appreciated

Many thanks


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They are on the Customers > Shopping Carts tab. All the abandoned carts have trash can icons so you can delete them. All the carts that were converted into orders do not have trash can icons, so they can't be deleted.


Of course, it's normal to have abandoned carts. Some of these may be from search engine crawlers or spam bots, or a customer who just changed their mind. It's also normal to have a low conversion rate. Even if you have a conversion rate of only 5-10%, you are doing well.

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