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How can I eliminate the (language (language)) from the end of the title of my pages?


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I don't know if it always displays this way (I didn't change anything) but the title of my PrestaShop site is displaying like this:

Iconoclast Report Publishing's Exclusive eBooks -We've done the research for you! (English (English))
which looks silly and unprofessional. There is no need to display the language in the title whatsoever, so how can I take that out? What file(s) do I need to modify and what should I change/eliminate in order to remove this?

Thanks in advance!
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I guess you must have followed Tomer's advice to add that to prevent meta-title duplication. PrestaShop doesn't add that by default. Check what's on line 4 of header.tpl in your theme's directory. Here's what is there by default:


and here is what Tomer recommends that you have written there:

<title>{$meta_title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} - {foreach from=$languages item=language}{if $language.iso_code == $lang_iso}{$language.name}{/if}{/foreach}</title>

If you have the second one, change it to the first.

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I thank you for your reply, Rocky! I am using etblack template and I think the change may have already been made within it as I do not have any recollection of changing that file to add that.

I certainly do not want meta-title duplication nor to be penalised by search engines, but is it necessary to have the language displayed in order to do that? In fact, I don't understand what the benefit would be to display the language in the title, and not only once but twice?

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The reason it is done is to ensure that the title is unique for all languages, so that http://www.yoursite.com/index.php and http://www.yoursite.com/lang-fr/index.php have different titles, so you won't be penalised by Google. If you have translated the titles yourself, then you don't have to worry. The only reason the language is displayed twice is because that is how the language names are displayed on the Tools > Languages tab. It has both the native version and English version of the languages. In English, this is the same. You can edit the language names yourself to change that.

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