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Croatian translation


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Is someone working on Croatian translation?

I have started working for my site. If there is any interest I will publish it that translation could be added.

pozdrav...naravno...uvijek nas ima kojima treba prijevod...ako treba sta pomoc...samo javi :)
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Nema problema.
Radim na tome koliko stignem, nadam se da će uskoro biti gotovo.

Naravno treba to i testirati, pa ukoliko netko želi može se javiti da testira kada bude gotovo kako bi se napravile manje izmjene ukoliko je potrebno.

Evo, i ja mogu pomoći testirati prijevod, rado :) tetka mi je profa hrvatskog ;) pa možda angažiram nju;)
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Ispričavam se zbog odsutnosti, imao sam posla koji nisam mogao odgoditi.

Što se tiče prijevoda.

Danas sam započeo sa završavanjem i trebalo bi uskoro biti gotovo.
Zainteresirane za prijevod molim da se jave na mail koji sam posebno otvorio radi testiranja lakše organizacije.
Email: prestashop.cro @ gmail.com

I apologize for the absence, I had a job that I could not postpone.

Regarding translation.

Today I started with the completion and it should soon be over.
Who is interested in the translation please contact me at email that I specifically opened for testing and easier organization.
Email: prestashop.cro @ gmail.com

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