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Image of a category, Is it correct?

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  • 7 months later...

hey guys

any idea how to enlarge the Category image size to fit the window?
everytime i increase the image size in the bakcoffice , there still seems to be a gap .
im basically looking for the image to fillout completly.


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I've checked your code and found there is a 1em margin at the top. You should remove line 5 of themes/Sign-Me/css/category.css:

#category img#categoryImage { margin-top: 1em }

You should also increase the width of the "category" image from 500px to 1200px if you want it full-width.

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yeah managed to sort it out.
there was margin-bottom: 0.5em; and changed it to 0em.
then also noticed that photoshop was being lame and adding a light border around my image even those i filled the whole background with a solid colour.
zoomed in and removed it.

thanks for the help man :)

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