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If "In Group 2" Display Attribute in product.tpl


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Is there a way to display custom text or attributes in product.tpl by using group as a flag?

I dislike prestashops "wholesale" system since I can't create a group that just sees the products at their wholesale price, so I instead want to add wholesale as a custom attribute.

I've figured everything out that I need except what code would control "If in group X" -> Do this.

I think maybe I have to modify product.php to respect groups first? Any help would be appreciated.

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It is possible to modify PrestaShop to display the wholesale price for a certain customer group. See my post here for how to create a variable $trade that is available to all the TPL files. You can then use code like the following in product.tpl:

{if $trade}{convertPrice price=$product->wholesale_price}{else}{convertPrice price=$product->getPrice(true, $smarty.const.NULL)}{/if}

and the following in other TPL files:

{if $trade}{convertPrice price=$product.wholesale_price}{else}{convertPrice price=$product.price}{/if}

There are many places it needs to be changed though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am interested in making a change to only one the product.tpl file. I want to display some custom text if the belong to GROUP 2 that I have set up in my backend.

I feel this should be a simple solution - just a method to retrieve that they are in that group and an if/then statement that prints out the message.

if in group 2 - print this.

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