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Problems upgrading from to

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Hello, I have to say that I'm really disappointed with Prestashop 1.7. I couldn't use the 1-Click Update module because it got stuck on disabling modules, and after upgrading manually, following these instructions: https://www.prestashop.com/es/blog/actualizar-prestashop-1-6-a-1-7, I have lots of problems with the new version:

When upgrading modules, the following appears: 

Exception thrown by module blockreinsurance on upgrade. Class Core_Foundation_Database_EntityManager does not exist

Error 2.png

Plus, a similar error occurs when I try to access the translations page:

Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

ReflectionException in Container.php line 111:
Class Core_Foundation_Database_EntityManager does not exist
in Container.php line 111
at ReflectionParameter->getClass() in Container.php line 111
at Container->makeInstanceFromClassName('advancedeucompliance', array('advancedeucompliance' => true)) in Container.php line 160
at Container->doMake('advancedeucompliance', array('advancedeucompliance' => true)) in Container.php line 173
at Container->make('advancedeucompliance') in ServiceLocator.php line 60
at ServiceLocator::get('advancedeucompliance') in Module.php line 1091
at ModuleCore::coreLoadModule('advancedeucompliance') in Module.php line 1071
at ModuleCore::getInstanceByName('advancedeucompliance') in Module.php line 1118
at ModuleCore::getInstanceById('94') in AdminTranslationsController.php line 2163
at AdminTranslationsControllerCore->getListModules(true) in AdminTranslationsController.php line 220
at AdminTranslationsControllerCore->initMain() in AdminTranslationsController.php line 117
at AdminTranslationsControllerCore->initContent() in Controller.php line 205
at ControllerCore->run() in Dispatcher.php line 428
at DispatcherCore->dispatch() in index.php line 96

Error 1.png

Ah, and when I try to access the Front-end, a 404 Not Found error occurs.

Error 3.png

Edited by anonim0
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