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Back Office & Front Office problem - New products, Modules, Carousels


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Everything i'll mention happened suddenly without changing anything.

I'm using Prestashop v. The last thing i changed at the code was weeks before that and everything worked like charm.

So, 3 days before, I was adding products normally for hours and then that happened:

Back Office:

-Calalogue -> Products -> When i create a new product or replicate one, it appears normally and then if i refresh the page it disappears, then if i refresh again it appears etc. If i enable it, then i can't disable it.

-Preferences -> Search -> "Add missing products to the index" -> when i click it, it appears like it was indexed as i get a plus one number to the one i had and then if i refresh the page i get the number before indexing.

-Modules -> Modules -> If i choose to see for example the disable modules, the page reloads and i still see the last option and not the one i chose. 

-Advanced Parameters -> Performance -> Features were disabled by itself. Then I changed it back to enable, i saved it and nothing changed. I had to try a lot of times to make it enabled.

Front Office:

-Language Change -> when I try to click the different language, the Languages "Window" go up and down so i can't click one. 

-Carousels with "New Products", "Feature Products" and "Manufacturers" change (turn around to the next "page") with huge speed


The problem is that if i change something, i can undo it. But now i have no idea why site crashed like that, when the last changes i made happened weeks before from the day all these problems appeared at the same moment.

I also created a ticket, but noone could help me.

If anyone has any idea, please tell me.

Thank you in advance,

Edited by Papantoniou (see edit history)
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We have a new problem:

When a customer selects the product combination which is NOT the default one, the price and reference code don't get updated. When the customer adds the NOT default combination to the cart, the default combination is added. 

Please help, if anyone has anyy idea!

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Thank for your answer.

I also thought that it is a cache problem and I did ask my hosting company and they also said that it might be. So, they told me to disable smarty cache and enable Litespeed Cache Plug in, as we use Litespeed Server. I did that, but nothing changed.

Then i spoke again with my hosting company and we restored the shop one week before the problem, nothing changed again and then we restored it again 1 month before the problem and again nothing changed.

I have no idea what else i should try.

Thank you in advance

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It cannot be Prestashop caching because then everybody would have it. 

My guess is that your server had some upgrade - maybe even automatic - and that that triggered your problem. So the logical next step would be to experiment with changing your server's settings.

You could also try contacting some Litespeed expert. It might help when you change the title of this thread to "backoffice and frontoffice problem with Litespeed" so that it attracts people who know about it. 

You might also try contacting NemoPS who knows more about LiteSpeed. See http://nemops.com/litespeed-module-prestashop-thirty-bees/#.WplWRajOXIU

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