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Customizing product fields in Catalog -> Information


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Hi all,

I’m currently investigating possible solutions to my problem of customizing some already available fields in Prestashop.


My online bookstore should have the following 3 fields right after the Product/Book Title:


1.      Publisher, for example: Pearson Publishing

2.      Year of publication, for example: 2008

3.      ISBN, for example: 123-456-789-1 or 123-456-78-10


I’d like to use the already existing fields for "Reference code", "EAN-13 or JAN barcode", and "UPC barcode" for "ISBN", "Publisher", and "Year of publication" respectively. Just like in the following examples:


(old name) Reference code -> (new name) ISBN -> (sample entry) 123-456-789-1 or 123-456-78-10

(old name) EAN-13 -> (new name) Publisher -> (sample entry) SAGE Publishing

(old name) JAN barcode - > (new name) Year of publication -> (sample entry) 1999


I already managed to change the labels/names of the original fields to the ones I want to use for my project. I changed the type of the fields to isCleanHTML and I also changed the number of characters that these fields accept. However, I now face the following issue:


1.      The fields don’t seem to accept more characters even if I change the value from 13 to say 17 or more.

2.      As my site is available in two languages, I want these customized fields (eg. “Publisher” and “Year of publication” ) to appear with their translated versions based on the language version of the site.


PrestaShop version:


Can you advise on the correct steps for achieving this?


Thank you.

Edited by D D (see edit history)
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Hi again,


I managed to achieve the desired result by additionally changing the field names in the product.tpl file and by creating an entry for the primary language version of the site in /themes/default-bootstrap/lang. Then I had to add a translation for that new entry in Localization -> Translations -> Modify translations.

The issue can be marked as solved. Thank you for your support and talk to you soon! :)

Edited by D D (see edit history)
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