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[SOLVED] product-list.tpl not working


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PS v1.3.1.1

Got a problem with our system.

I can place the code below

{debug output="html"}

in a couple of places. I place it here in category.tpl:

  {if $products}
   {include file=$tpl_dir./product-sort.tpl}
{debug output="html"}
   {include file=$tpl_dir./product-list.tpl products=$products}
   {include file=$tpl_dir./pagination.tpl}

I see the debug in the same window.

If I place it here in product-sort.tpl:

<!-- /Sort products -->
{debug output="html"}

I see the debug in the same window.

However, when I place it here in product-list.tpl, I get nothing.

{debug output="html"}
{if isset($products)}
 <!-- Products list -->

For some reason, it isn't opening product-list.tpl
I have no idea as to why, when I debug in category.tpl, I see that $products is an
array of 10 items.

The tpl file exists and I see no reason whatsoever that would make the template not load.
The source stops after the product-sort.tpl, too, no footer or anything.

Any ideas on how to debug this problem?

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