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platform limitations


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I looking for the right shop platform for a webshop. I could not find any platform limitation voor prestashop.

What I would like to know:

Is there a limit on amount of product?

Is there a limit on amount of product varaints?

Is there a limit on amount of filters?

Is there a limit on amount of filters per product?

Is there a limit on amount of filters values per filter?

Is there a limit on amount of catogories?

Is there a limit on amount of catogories per product?

Is there a limit on amount of images per product?

Is there a limit on amount of images per product in a catogory view?

If someone could point me to where I can find the awnsers or answer them for me that woud be great.



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10 times no. The only limits are that at some point the shop becomes slow. But you have that with all webshop software. Prestashop has the reputation to be rather fast.

The only thing you need to watch is with product variants. Prestashop stores rather much information per variant. That means that if you have a product with many variants (for example a computer with a choice of 20 types of memory, 20 types of harddisk, 10 mice, 10 keyboards and 25 monitors - a total of 1 million variations) things become unbearable slow. There are modules to solve this problem however.

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