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Add to cart Spinner problem


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I use PS

I have a problem with "add to cart". The theme I use is SP Destino.

Whenever and wherever I press "add to cart" it show a spinner but never shows the cart pop-up. The spinner keeps on running and nothing happens. In the default theme there is no issue.

I think it's a javascript (multiple jquery) error but I'm an absolute beginner. I disabled the Ajax cart, disabled/cleaned cache, etc.

Please help because nobody can order now!! You can try: www.store2score.com (dutch webstore)

Thanks in advance.



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There is indeed a javascript error.

The most obvious place to ask is the provider of your theme. 

One thing you could try is in the CCC settings of your webshop (in the backoffice menu under Advanced settings -> Performance). You should disable most settings there (specially moving javascript to the bottom often has problematic consequences).

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