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Hello, I don't know why, but I located a bug with tracking number on customer's order details page.

Let's start from Admin Back Office panel. Go to Improvements -> Shipping -> Carriers -> Choose on of the shipping method and click "Edit". You can input here url to adding tracking number to an Order details page, where "@" will be a tracking number:


If you do not input there anything, on Order details page, customer will see just a tracking number as text, not as link. Ok, that's fine.

But if you put there url to tracking number: image.thumb.png.ffb43786eb46399ec01023785421ff6e.png

then on Order details page, customer see this:

And I don't know where is the problem. image.thumb.png.08fb24a512a20ad5dbd06310118d0bea.png

There should be only a tracking number as link, but you can see a part of html code. There is any solution of this problem?

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On 29.12.2017 at 2:55 AM, guuds said:

try to modify the template file, file name is "themes/{theme_name}/templates/customer/order-detail.tpl"

Change "{$line.tracking}" to "{$line.tracking_number}"

There are 2 places need to be replaced

Hope this can help:)

Thanks, now tracking number is shown as text, not as a link ;)

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