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[SOLVED]Integrating a php script/library please help

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Hi people,

I'm trying to integrate a php library to build forms:


I need to build a form and use the library to validate and send the email with the data of the form.

So far I have this:

$smarty->assign(array('strOutput' => $strOutput));

//*** Include the library.
.... And the code used by the library to build and validate the form...
$strOutput = $objForm->toHtml();

I have created oferta.tpl in the themes folder, and put this code:


but is not rendering anything, I'm getting a blank page.

If I try to include a simple $hello variable and asign to $smarty->assign(array('hello' => $hello));

blank page too.

Any help or advice is well received

Thank you!

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Grrr! I cant make it work... Maybe I need a coofee

Ok this is all the code I have:

File: oferta.php

$smarty->assign('strOutput' , $strOutput);

//*** Include the library.

//*** Create an instance of the form.
$objForm = new ValidForm("contactForm", "Required fields are printed in bold.");

//*** Add the Name field.
$objForm->addField("name", "Your name", VFORM_STRING, 
       "maxLength" => 255, 
       "required" => TRUE
       "maxLength" => "Your input is too long. A maximum of %s characters is OK.", 
       "required" => "This field is required.", 
       "type" => "Enter only letters and spaces."

//*** Add the Email field.
$objForm->addField("email", "Email address", VFORM_EMAIL, 
       "maxLength" => 255, 
       "required" => TRUE
       "maxLength" => "Your input is too long. A maximum of %s characters is OK.", 
       "required" => "This field is required.", 
       "type" => "Use the format [email protected]"
   ), array(
       "tip" => "[email protected]"

//*** Add the Remarks field.
$objForm->addField("remarks", "Remarks", VFORM_TEXT, 
       "maxLength" => 2000
       "maxLength" => "Your input is too long. A maximum of %s characters is OK.", 
       "type" => "Enter only characters, punctuation, numbers and spaces"

//*** Set the general alert.
$objForm->setMainAlert("One or more errors occurred. Check the marked fields and try again.");

//*** Set the label of the submit button.

//*** Default output.
$strOutput = "";

//*** Check the form.
if ($objForm->isSubmitted() && $objForm->isValid()) {
   //*** HTML body of the email.
   $strMessage = "<html><head><title></title></head><body>";
   $strMessage .= $objForm->valuesAsHtml();
   $strMessage .= "</body></html>";

   //*** Mail headers.
   $strHeaders = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
   $strHeaders .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n";
   $strHeaders .= "From: Awesome website <[email protected]>\r\n";

   //*** Send the email.
   mail("[email protected]", "Contact form submitted", $strMessage, $strHeaders);

   //*** Set the output to a friendly thank you note.
   $strOutput = "Thank you for your interest. We will contact you as soon as possible.";
} else {
   //*** The form has not been submitted or is not valid.
   $strOutput = $objForm->toHtml();


File: oferta.tpl


If I harcode the variable :

$smarty->assign('strOutput' , 'strOutput');

I get :


not the content of the variable.

but if I change to:

$smarty->assign('strOutput' , $strOutput);

I get my regular PS page without content, if I look at the source code i can see:


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That's because you are assigning the variable at the top before putting the content in the variable. :)

Move the following lines:

$smarty->assign('strOutput' , $strOutput);

to the bottom just before the:


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