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Disable Supplier Page?

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I noticed that google shows the suppliers page of my website in in the search listings. I'd rather not have this show up. In fact, I was hoping it would be a feature that would only be used in the back office - to give me more information about the product that I have just sold - useful when a shop has a lot of different suppliers.

Is there a way to disable the supplier page from being used in my website's front end?

I searched but could only find a related post in the bug fixes listings.


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  • 9 months later...

I too thought the suppliers section was really for the backoffice and it wasn’t until I turned on the "Display suppliers and manufacturers” setting in the preferences that I was shocked to see the suppliers list on the website and sitemap.

Why would you want your customers to see your list of suppliers?

I have the suppliers block module un-installed and the manufacturers block enables.

When activating the above setting you do indeed get the suppliers page and link in the sitemap as I guess the setting is intended. but I would like to turn the suppliers part off.

I would like the manufacturers list and product count (manufacturer.php) but none of the main site suppliers stuff but retain the backoffice parts.
Is there an easy way to toggle the public suppliers part off?

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There is no option in the Back Office to hide suppliers without also hiding manufacturers, so you will need to manually edit sitemap.tpl in your theme's directory and change line 41 (in PrestaShop v1.4.1) from:

{if $display_supplier_link OR $PS_DISPLAY_SUPPLIERS}getPageLink('supplier.php')}">{l s='Suppliers'}{/if}


{*{if $display_supplier_link OR $PS_DISPLAY_SUPPLIERS}getPageLink('supplier.php')}">{l s='Suppliers'}{/if}*}

You should also delete supplier.php if you don't want people to be able to view your suppliers.

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