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[SOLVED] accesing mysql results via Db class


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Hi people, i have a "hello world" module installed in prestashop. It works. One of the php scripts prints a list introduced in the module configuration. This script has the following code:

$sql = "select * from ejemplo order by id desc;";
$result = Db::getInstance() -> ExecuteS($sql);

and it works, the TPL file shows the list. But now i want to assing a simple variable to smarty. I have the following code:

$sql = "select * from ejemplo where id=1;";
$result = Db::getInstance() -> Execute($sql);

The difference between both are "Execute" function. This is for retrieving only one row, like are explaned into Db.php script of prestashop. But it doesn't work. Ive tried with several things like using getRow() function, passing directly $result to smarty and then accesing {$variable.frasebienvenida} but any of this works. the tpl file doesn's show anything. tipping the sql sentence from mysql console shows one row.

can anybody help me?

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aditional explanation. the following code make tpl to print 'pepe', but assigning $result['frasebienvenida'] doesn't show anything. 'frasebienvenida' exists in table ejemplo.

$sql = "select * from ejemplo where id=1;";
$result = Db::getInstance() -> Execute($sql);
if ($result != null)

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