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Google Chrome: Paginate results, enter a product, go back ends up in a bug


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I just discovered a weird problem. It happens only in chrome, firefox is good.


To reproduce it:

I just click a category which happens to have 4 pages of products (ADULTO -> MUJER -> BATAS).

Paginate to page 2, then page 3.

Click any product there in page 3, wait till it fully loads.

Click the browsers back arrow. Now, I should go back to page 3.


Instead of going back to the page 3, its shows code:



{"rendered_products_top":"<div id=\"js-product-list-top\" class=\"row products-selection\">\n <div class=\"col-md-6 hidden-sm-down total-products\">\n <p>There are 61 products.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <div class=\"col-md-6\">\n <div class=\"row sort-by-row\">\n\n \n <span class=\"col-sm-3 col-md-3 hidden-sm-down sort-by\">Sort by:<\/span>\n<div class=\"col-sm-9 col-xs-8 col-md-9 products-sort-order dropdown\">\n <button\n class=\"btn-unstyle select-title\"\n rel=\"nofollow\"\n data-toggle=\"dropdown\"\n aria-haspopup=\"true\"\n aria-expanded=\"false\">\n Relevance <i class=\"material-icons float-xs-right\"><\/i>\n <\/button>\n <div class=\"dropdown-menu\">\n <a\n rel=\"nofollow\"\n


and a thousand lines more





This is the store's link


It is a fresh install


Any idea how to debug it?



Edited by fdelval2 (see edit history)
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Hello fdelval2,


I was able to make it happen once in your store just by navigating through categories.

Few questions:

  • Whats the PS version?
  • Is debug mode on?
  • Is the cache system on?
  • Do it happen all times when the pagination is enabled? If so, can you recreate the category that you are always able to reproduce the issue?


Best regards,

Web Development VIZO

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PrestaShop version: Fresh install, I have my main store, and to check the problem, I fresh-installed this one in another server. I can send the login/pass via PM if interested, you can test what you want.

I haven't created a single product, nor I haven't modified anything.



it happens with pagination, any product in page higher than 1, and even when using filters.

Try using a couple of filters, then click the product, and hit back in chrome.



Parameters are default, so:

debug is off

Smarty cache: Yes.

Caching: Use cache: No



Server software version: Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) PHP/5.4.16

PHP version: 5.4.16

Memory limit: 128M

Max execution time: 30

Upload Max File size: 2M


php extensions:

yum install php-gd php-dom php-posix php-intl php-pecl-apc



MySQL version: 5.7.19


Required parameters: OK

Optional parameters: OK

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Hello fdelval2,


So, disabling the cache system solved the issue.

My recommendations, don't use the cache system with this PrestaShop version and open a bug about it and hope for this issue to be fixed in a next release. (You can open bugs here: http://forge.prestashop.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa ).



Web Development VIZO.

Edited by Web VIZO (see edit history)
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I installed chrome at home to check it.


Clicked women, selected 2 filters, clicked a product, hit back, and same problem.

I checked that you disabled cache in BO, but it keeps happening... Is there any cache option I missed to disable?


The question is if it also happens in or previous.. maybe a version roll-back could be an option




btw, I posted the possible bug, I am not very familiar with the forge, hope it is seen and addressed soon



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