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error 404 on pages like contacts, cart, account..


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Hello folks,


I cannot open standard pages like: contacts, cart, account pages, etc.and I get the standard page with 404 error. 

The "Add to cart" button also doesn't work, because the cart is not found.


I've activated "Friendly url" in SEO & URLS.

I made some variations in the schema of URLS like "page/{id}/{rewrite}" for Route to CMS page, but I think that is not the reason.


With debug mode on, I get this notice:

Notice: Undefined index: controller in /var/www/clients/client7/web11/web/classes/Dispatcher.php on line 792


All other pages work fine: homepage, categories, static CMS pages


I've tried in all ways, enabling and disabling Apache Multiviews or mod_security, clearing the cache, looking in .htaccess file on the server..


I've upgraded to Prestashop from some previous 1.7.1 version, but the the problem remains.

Then I've tried also on local server, getting the same error.


Any suggestion?

Thank You!

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Please, can anyone answer? Or I posted in the wrong section?


I've found a lot of similar posts about 404 errors, but none with the same notice.

I've checked many times SEO and URLs section.. I've tried also resetting the standard theme, but I don't understand the reason.


Only with Friendly URL disabled, everything works well, but obviously I need to keep it on.



I'm going crazy searching the solution! :unsure:  :wacko:  :blink: Please help!

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