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PayPal "Payment error" order status problem

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Hello to Prestashop team, Presta fans and forum members,

Guys, I really need your help. I have PayPal “Payment error order status” problem, and I can’t figure it out how to fix it. I will be very very happy if you can advice how to resolve this issue. Please see explanations below:

my store: http://stepcare.eu/shop
ps ver.: 1.2.5
theme: default, custom redesigned.
paypal: standard module v1.6 (downloaded from presta site: http://www.prestashop.com/download/partner_modules/paypal_1.6.zip)
chmods: 775 recursively on paypal folder in /shop/modules

All the settings in Back Office and PayPal business account are correct: Auto Return: Off, Payment Data Transfer: Off, Postage Calculations: Checked “click here to allow….”, IPN settings in paypal account are ON, History is working.
IPN Url: http://stepcare.eu/shop/modules/paypal/validation.php

I can pay successfully with paypal. I receive paypal email with Transaction ID. I receive some message in Back office with Transaction ID for the same order. I am using a test product with 0.01Euro price and free delivery voucher. I am testing in real mode only.

Problem explanation:

When the order is completed and the visitor pay with paypal:

1. The order status is: Payment Error; - I think most of the problems below are because of this.
I hide it as a status from Back Panel>Orders>Statuses but even so, it is appearing both in the Back panel and in the User Account

2. The quantities of purchased product are not decreasing

3. The email with Order confirmation, where is the Order summary is not send to the customer, obviously because of the order status.

4. The Transaction ID in the email to customer and in the Order details in the Back Panel are different ??? (This issue came when I replace the original PayPal v1.6 module in ps 1.2.5 with PayPal module v1.6 downloaded from presta site – partners modules)

The customer only receive an email from PayPal with successful payment and Transaction ID, but the whole case with
the wrong payment status is very confusing.

Some Screenshots: (also attached below)

I am not sure if this problem is solved in ps 1.3.1 version, but I do not want to update, because of the custom theme.
If it’s possible to adapt only the paypal module from the 1.3.1 version I will agree, but I already tested it and it don’t work with 1.2.5 – maybe more files must be updated, not only to copy the module itself.
As I say I already tested with both 1.2.5 included paypal v1.6 module and also with paypal v1.6 – downloaded from presta site. Also I tested with chmod 777 recursively on modules/paypal folder and files

I double check all the settings – Back Office, Front Office, Paypal business account, PayPal personal account

Can you give a little help, share some experience or whatever you feel with my case.
Honestly, I am really stuck and I do not have programing skills to work it out by myself.

I will be very grateful if you can help somehow.

Thank you in advance.







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Hello to Prestashop team, Presta fans and forum members,

Guys, I really need your help. I have PayPal “Payment error order status” problem, and I can’t figure it out how to fix it. I will be very very happy if you can advice how to resolve this issue. Please see explanations below:

my store: http://stepcare.eu/shop
ps ver.: 1.2.5
theme: default, custom redesigned.
paypal: standard module v1.6 (downloaded from presta site: http://www.prestashop.com/download/partner_modules/paypal_1.6.zip)
chmods: 775 recursively on paypal folder in /shop/modules

All the settings in Back Office and PayPal business account are correct: Auto Return: Off, Payment Data Transfer: Off, Postage Calculations: Checked “click here to allow….”, IPN settings in paypal account are ON, History is working.
IPN Url: http://stepcare.eu/shop/modules/paypal/validation.php

I can pay successfully with paypal. I receive paypal email with Transaction ID. I receive some message in Back office with Transaction ID for the same order. I am using a test product with 0.01Euro price and free delivery voucher. I am testing in real mode only.

Problem explanation:

When the order is completed and the visitor pay with paypal:

1. The order status is: Payment Error; - I think most of the problems below are because of this.
I hide it as a status from Back Panel>Orders>Statuses but even so, it is appearing both in the Back panel and in the User Account

2. The quantities of purchased product are not decreasing

3. The email with Order confirmation, where is the Order summary is not send to the customer, obviously because of the order status.

4. The Transaction ID in the email to customer and in the Order details in the Back Panel are different ??? (This issue came when I replace the original PayPal v1.6 module in ps 1.2.5 with PayPal module v1.6 downloaded from presta site – partners modules)

The customer only receive an email from PayPal with successful payment and Transaction ID, but the whole case with
the wrong payment status is very confusing.

Some Screenshots: (also attached below)

I am not sure if this problem is solved in ps 1.3.1 version, but I do not want to update, because of the custom theme.
If it’s possible to adapt only the paypal module from the 1.3.1 version I will agree, but I already tested it and it don’t work with 1.2.5 – maybe more files must be updated, not only to copy the module itself.
As I say I already tested with both 1.2.5 included paypal v1.6 module and also with paypal v1.6 – downloaded from presta site. Also I tested with chmod 777 recursively on modules/paypal folder and files

I double check all the settings – Back Office, Front Office, Paypal business account, PayPal personal account

Can you give a little help, share some experience or whatever you feel with my case.
Honestly, I am really stuck and I do not have programing skills to work it out by myself.

I will be very grateful if you can help somehow.

Thank you in advance.


check the file permisson 755 to all modules in the modules folder (included paypal)
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Hi Shacker,

I already set the permissions of /modules/paypal to 755 and tested. The problem remains. But I have changed the permissions only to paypal module, not the whole folder Modules (777)

Do you think that this can be the reason for Payment error status. My host obviously do not have any problems with 777 permissions.

Yesterday I try with PayPal v2 beta 2 module and it works just fine with these settings. But I can't predict how it will act in the future. Besides it is beta.



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Hi Shacker,

I already set the permissions of /modules/paypal to 755 and tested. The problem remains. But I have changed the permissions only to paypal module, not the whole folder Modules (777)

Do you think that this can be the reason for Payment error status. My host obviously do not have any problems with 777 permissions.

Yesterday I try with PayPal v2 beta 2 module and it works just fine with these settings. But I can't predict how it will act in the future. Besides it is beta.



Paypal module work with other files. If any other files are with wronw permiss, the module dont work. Check all directories permissons and assign the correct, sometimes work with 755 and other with 777. This depend of the host that you use
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Yes, I migrate to prestashop 1.3.3, but PayPal V2 beta worked fine on 1.2.5 for me. Besides, as I know from what I red on the forum, a price rounding issue appear on 1.2.5 which is fixed in 1.3

Now I have other problems with 1.3.3. which will be fixed in the next stable 1.4 release....and so on

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