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Admin Images

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Create a new directory on your server like upload/import, then upload all your images to that directory using FTP, then create a CSV file with the product ID (like 1) in one column and image URL (like http://www.yoursite.com/upload/import/yourimage.jpg) in the other, then go to Tools > Import, upload the CSV, then select "Product" under "Select which entity to import", then click "Next step", then make sure that "ID" is in the dropdown above the first column and "Image URLs (x,y,z...)" is above the second column, then click "Import" to import all the product images and automatically resize them. Note that if you have many images, it is likely the script will time out. If it does, find which row the script stopped at, then repeat the steps above, except enter the row number in the "Start from" field so it starts from that position.

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