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[SOLVED] How to add a countdown inside main page above the "editorial" ?

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Add the following to the top of index.tpl in your theme's directory:

{assign var='year' value=$smarty.now|date_format:'%Y'}
{assign var='christmas' value='12/25/'|cat:$year|strtotime}
{assign var='secondsTillChristmas' value=$christmas-$smarty.now}
{assign var='daysTillChristmas' value=$secondsTillChristmas/60/60/24}
{if $daysTillChristmas < 0}{math assign='daysTillChristmas' equation='365 + d' d=$daysTillChristmas}{/if}
{if $daysTillChristmas|ceil == 365}{assign var='daysTillChristmas' value=0}{/if}

{l s='There'} {if $daysTillChristmas|ceil == 1}{'is'}{else}{'are'}{/if} {$daysTillChristmas|ceil} {if $daysTillChristmas|ceil == 1}{'day'}{else}{'days'}{/if} {l s='till Christmas'}

This code should add "There are X days until Christmas" at the top of the centre column on the homepage. The code should work, though it may be possible to simplify it.

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I've modified my code above to wrap the text in a paragraph with id "daysTillChristmas". You can then add code like the following to your global.css:

  text-align: center;
  color: blue;
  font-size: 12px;
  font-weight: bold

This will center the text, make it blue, 12px in size and bold.

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