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Quick View and UTF-8 after EU compliance module was installed

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I´m setting up a Prestashop 1.6 in Swedish.

Everything worked ok until I switched on the EU compliance module, and entered the swedish translations..


It occurs when you have combinations with different prices, and the EU module overides the price settings


Seems like something isnt UTF-8 somewhere, since the swedish letters get garbeled (in this case the letter å)


See attached pictures...




Any ideas?



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Prestashop uses ANSI encoding, not UTF-8 on their core files.  More important are the theme files, which are also ANSI out of the box.  If you need a different encoding, you will need to edit those files and save them using a different encoding.

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I find using UTF8+ BOM sometimes solves those types of issues.  I'm not familiar enough with the various languages and their character sets to provide you more guidance here, you'll just need to research and experiment a bit more


Also, I don't believe it is the translation files that you need to worry about (open them and confirm), i believe it is the template (.tpl) files in the theme or modules folders that are more important for this

Edited by bellini13 (see edit history)
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