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Send form filled by customer to my email


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I am trying to create a form and then have customers filled them out. Once they they click the submit button, the page should send the email with all the inputs from customers to my email. I was able to get the page to send the email, but not the inputs from  customers. Please take a look at my code and let me know what wrong with it. English is not my mother tongue; please excuse any errors on my part. Thank you


<h2>{l s='All products' mod='testmodule'}</h2>

Customer Name
<input class="customerName" id="cName" name="cName"></input>
Billing Address
<input class="BillingAddress" id="billingA" name="billingA"></input>

<form action="" method="post" id="carform">
 <p>Select a product:</p>
<select name="carlist" form="carform">
  <option value="volvo"> {$values}</option>
  <option value="saab">Saab</option>
  <option value="opel">Opel</option>
  <option value="audi">Audi</option>
 <input type="submit" name="submit" value = "submit" />

<div id="contact_block" class="block">
	<h4 class="title_block">{l s='Contact us' mod='mymodule'}</h4>
	<div class="block_content clearfix">
			<p>{l s='Our support hotline is available 24/7.' mod='mymodule'}</p>
			{if $telnumber != ''}<p class="tel"><span class="label">{l s='Phone:' mod='mymodule'}</span><span itemprop="telephone"><a href="tel:{$telnumber|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">{$telnumber|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</a></span></p>{/if}
			{if $email != ''}<a href="mailto:{$email|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='Contact our expert support team!' mod='mymodule'}">{l s='Contact our expert support team!' mod='mymodule'}</a>{/if}
<script type="text/javascript">
var cName = "{$cName}";


class mymoduledisplayModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController

  public function initContent()
  	$cName = Configuration::get('cName');
  	$billingA = Tools::getValue('billingA');
  	$this->display_column_left = false; // hides left column

		$sql = new DbQuery();
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'mymodule1
    WHERE id_product = 1';

if ($row = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql))
$values = $row['option'];


	$this->context->smarty-> assign('values', $values);

		if (Tools::isSubmit('submit')){

		 Mail::Send((int)(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')), // defaut language id
        'contact', // email template file to be use
        $this->displayName.' Subject', // email subject
          '{email}' => Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_EMAIL'), // sender email address
          '{message}' => $this->displayName.' has been installed on:'._PS_BASE_URL_.__PS_BASE_URI__ ,// email content,
          '{cName}' => Tools::safeOutput($cName),
      	  '{billingA}' => Tools::safeOutput($billingA),
        '#########@yahoo.com', // receiver email address 
        NULL, NULL, NULL);

		header( 'Location: http://localhost/index.php?fc=module&module=mymodule&controller=display' ) ;


    <table class="table table-mail" style="width:100%;margin-top:10px;"><tbody><tr><td class="space" style="width:20px;padding:7px 0;"> </td>
<td align="center" style="padding:7px 0;">
<table class="table" bgcolor="#ffffff" style="width:100%;"><tbody><tr><td align="center" class="logo" style="border-bottom:4px solid #333333;padding:7px 0;"><a title="{shop_name}" href="{shop_url}" style="color:#337ff1;"> <img src="{shop_logo}" alt="{shop_name}" /></a></td>
</tr><tr><td align="center" class="titleblock" style="padding:7px 0;"><span style="color:#555454;font-family:'Open-sans', sans-serif;font-size:small;"> <span class="title" style="font-weight:500;font-size:28px;text-transform:uppercase;line-height:33px;">Message from a {shop_name} customer</span> </span></td>
</tr><tr><td class="space_footer" style="padding:0;"> </td>
</tr><tr><td class="box" style="border:1px solid #D6D4D4;background-color:#f8f8f8;padding:7px 0;">
<table class="table" style="width:100%;"><tbody><tr><td width="10" style="padding:7px 0;"> </td>
<td style="padding:7px 0;"><span style="color:#555454;font-family:'Open-sans', sans-serif;font-size:small;"> <span style="color:#777;"> <span style="color:#333;"><strong>Customer e-mail address: <a href="mailto:{email}" style="color:#337ff1;">{email}</a></strong></span><br /><br /><span style="color:#333;"><strong>Customer message:</strong></span> {message}<br /><br /><span style="color:#333;"><strong>Customer Name:</strong></span> {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME}<br />
<br /><br /><span style="color:#333;"><strong>Customer Name:</strong></span> {cName}<br />
<br /><br /><span style="color:#333;"><strong>Billing Address: </strong></span> {billingA}<br />

<span style="color:#333;"><strong>Attached file:</strong></span> {attached_file} </span> </span></td>
<td width="10" style="padding:7px 0;"> </td>
</tr><tr><td class="space_footer" style="padding:0;"> </td>
</tr><tr><td class="footer" style="border-top:4px solid #333333;padding:7px 0;"><span><a href="{shop_url}" style="color:#337ff1;">{shop_name}</a> powered by <a href="http://www.prestashop.com/" style="color:#337ff1;">PrestaShop™</a></span></td>
<td class="space" style="width:20px;padding:7px 0;"> </td>

Here is what the email looked like:


Customer message: has been installed on:http://localhost/


Customer Name: 

Billing Address: 
Attached file: {attached_file}


The Customer Name and Billing Address lines in the email are empty

Edited by vinhhoa1 (see edit history)
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