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Slow Back Office product page loading, problem with product save buttons, and product save function


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We switched to Prestashop in last october, gennerally we are happy, but from the end of last year, we are facing some unsloved problems:


1. Very slow backoffice loading - product list, order list

2. Very slow product page loading in back office

3. Sometimes cannot save product (but actually probably solver due to this module: isaveresolve)

4. Buttons on product edit page in back office - "save" and "save and stay" are sometimes not appearing to work, or result an error "some of the tabs cannot be loaded"


We have like 1600+ products, on dedicated i7 octa, 32GB RAM, 512SSD RAID serwer, and it seems to be just too slow.


Generally I'm posting here to hire someone to repair the shop, becouse programmers I hire just don't know, and it's taking too long, addicionally I'm thinking about updating to 1.7 version, of course on test server first (we have such).


Could anybody help?

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