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[SOLVED] SQL: Add categories to all shops


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Good afternoon :)  I have a multistore and I have added some new categories. By default, the categories are added only to the main store, but not to the others. Now in the back office I must enter on each one, and assign it to the other stores.


I was wondering if there is a quick way to do it with SQL. In the `ps_category_shop` table I have the `id_category` and the `id_shop`. Attached picture.


In the picture, category 74 is assigned to shops 1 and 2. Category 76 is assigned to shops 1, 2 and 3. Category 77, 78, 79... are only assigned to the shop 1.


I would like all categories to be assigned to the three shops. How could I do this? And if they had all the same position in all the stores, I would be the happiest person in the world.


Prestashop should have more massive actions.


Thank you very much!!


Edited by TRESSET (see edit history)
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well, it should be easy:


1) delete all association for shop != 1

delete from ps_category_shop where id_shop != 1;

2) copy association for shop1 => shop2

insert into ps_category_shop(id_shop, id_category, position) select 2, id_category, position from ps_category_shop  where id_shop = 1;
3) copy shop1 => shop3
insert into ps_category_shop(id_shop, id_category, position) select 3, id_category, position from ps_category_shop  where id_shop = 1;
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