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Can't add more products? TKL

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I am very new to PS. I installed TurnKeyLinux version.


Had a few issues with file permissions which I am not 100% sure I have done them all.


Have found out how to turn off most of the stuff I don't presently need and get all the information correct.


Using the default theme


I have added 3 products and now can't add any more, after entering the basic details and pressing save and stay, the title is blank and the product is not saved?


Where do I start?





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Server requirements and chmod, tested for shops in production:


PS 1.5.X + PS 1.6 X

  • magic_quotes_gpc = off
  • memory_limit = 256M better: 512M - PS 1.6.)
  • max_execution_time = 300
  • max_input_time = 300
  • upload_max_filesize = 20M
  • post_max_size = 20M
  • max_input_vars = 10000
  • allow_url_fopen = on
  • safe_mode = off
  • cURL - installed
  • mod_rewrite = installed
  • mod_security = off
  • php 5.4+
  • mySQL 5.5+
  • cageFS oro other firewall disabled or well configured to don't block Prestashop services

We suggest to use ngninx over apache module (or pure ngnix) + php-fpm and fast-cgi for shops with over 2.000 products.


Prestashop 1.6.x in combination with the use of php 5.4.+ does not support anymore php cache modules like APC, eAccelerator, etc. Therefore this option should be not configurated/activated on back-office. Furthermore with php 5.4+. you have a better caching option on board, which is opcache.

CHMOD for PS 1.5+

The following folders should have CHMOD 0750 or 0755:

/themes/your theme/cache
/themes/your theme/lang


All files and sub-folders into the named folders before should have (incl. .htaccess-file) CHMOD 0640 or 0644. The files sitemap.xml and robots.txt in root folder should have CHMOD NOT OVER 0755.

Also all images in subfolder  /img/subfolderX/image.jpg should have CHMOD NOT OVER 0755.

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No option ---> magic_quotes_gpc = off 

Updated from 32M  ---> memory_limit = 256M better: 512M - PS 1.6.)

Updated from 30 ---> max_execution_time = 300

Updated from 30 ---> max_input_time = 300

OK ---> upload_max_filesize = 20M

Updated from 8M ---> post_max_size = 20M

OK ---> max_input_vars = 10000

OK ---> allow_url_fopen = on

No Option ---> safe_mode = off

OK ---> cURL - installed

OK ---> mod_rewrite = installed

Not On ---> mod_security = off

Apache 2.4.10

php 5.6.3

mySQL 5.5.55


All options update, Permissions Set on files, Rebooted, Still have same issue.






  • Prestashop 1.6.x in combination with the use of php 5.4.+ does not support anymore php cache modules like APC, eAccelerator, etc. Therefore this option should be not configurated/activated on back-office. Furthermore with php 5.4+. you have a better caching option on board, which is opcache.








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apache error.log


file_put_contents(/var/www/prestashop/modules/gamification/data/data_EN_GBP_US.json): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/prestashop/modules/gamification/gamification.php on line 335



I did manage to add 1 product.


I tried changing the owner:group of gamification to www-data but no improvemet

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Tried 775'ing the folder. No Joy.


The error occurs at this "Function"

gamification/gamification.php on line 335


  // Delete advices that are not in the file anymore
        foreach ($current_advices as $id_advice) {
            // Check that the advice is used in this language
            $html = Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `html` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'advice_lang` WHERE id_advice = '.(int)$id_advice.' AND id_lang = '.(int)$this->cont$
            if (!$html) {
            $adv = new Advice($id_advice);
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Try to set CHMOD folder /modules/gamification to 0777 only for test purposes. This should not be set, cause it's a security risk. Only for to test. If this also not work, than your server is bad configured and group permissions should revised. In this case contact the server administrator.

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It managed to add 2 then caused errors again.


I think TurnKey Linux Build must be poor.



I will build from a stock Debian release instead. I have gained quite a bit of information on the workings of presta over the last week to believe its worth investing my time.





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