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Social Network Block on TopBar AND FooterTerciary

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Hi all,


i am having some problems with the social network block. I would like to have this block on the TopBar left, on the right side of the language block (where by default is). Even I have a Hook for this block in the "DisplayTopBar" I can not see it. In the FooterTerciary I have no issues. How can this be solved?


By the way, is there a way to add a block in the DisplayAnywhere section in the positions menu without any additional module?



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i did change from TopBar to DisplayNavleft and now I can see the icons.....but now the icons are not rounded as they are in the terciary footer and have a strange line in between them. Please see attached file. How can I make then rounded and without the weird lines in between the icons?


Also, Is there a way to have different icons on top and in the footer?



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