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EMAIL BUG: any "id" replaced with "PAY-XXXX..." ! HELP!


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Hello everbody,


I have a really stupid and strange bug,

All my email texts(sender email, subject, body) are being manipulated before sending...

All text including "id" replaced with "PAY-XXXXXX..." i guess it's a payment id, but it's replaceing all text "id" not {id},

This is really stupid since my email contain "id" and my store name and products contain "id" so this breakes all my emails,


  Total Tax paPAY-67F68610KP691852MLDZHLMI  

instad of "Total Tax paid"


and my email sent from:


instead of : sales@kidiwatch.co.il


p.s : the id changes every order so it's also change senders...


I suspect this is from paypal addon, or a bug in the core

Please help me fix it, it's completly breaks my emails.


see attached image


thanks allot !!!


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1: the PDF invoice attached to the email is fine, not effected by this bug, only the content of the emails,

2: i do not use any addons exept PayPal and the cores modules, and i  use CLASSIC Theme.

 so it's must be papal addon or core bug... i guess...

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update #2: Found out that PAY-xxxxxxx is paypal payment id reference by looking in the database field "payment_id" in "paypal_orders" table,

So i guess paypal addon is the problem, But I still can't find where in the addon source an "id" variable is pushed to the confirmation email...

Nobody had this problem before? this is SO WEIRD...

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could not find where papal enter this specific variable so i unset it just before the swift mailer gets all the varibles...


at file classes/Mail.php


add this:

           //fix paypal id messing up email
            $templateVars['{paypal_id}'] =$templateVars['id'];

 before the line   (~line 390) :

 $swift->registerPlugin(new \Swift_Plugins_DecoratorPlugin(array($toPlugin => $templateVars)));
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