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Cart Block problem when cache is turned on

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I am using a theme called GameGear from LeoTheme. I have a problem with the cart block when I enable the website caching. If the cache is turned off, there are no problems.


What is the problem?

Cart block is not showing properly the count of the products added to the cart if cache is turned on.


How can you reproduce the problem?
1. Go to the theme's demo -> link to the demo

2. Add a product to your cart and click Continue shopping

3. Go back to the homepage and you will notice that in the up right corner it says 0 (zero) products in the cart

4. Go to a random category page and you will see it shows the products count properly

On my localhost website I have the same problem. If I disable the prestashop cache from the admin menu the problem is gone but the website is much slower.


Please share your ideas and thoughts about the problem.


Thank you all!

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did you fix that? I have this error even with the cache torned off. try many times. sometimes works..sometimes not.

Sadly I did not found a way to fix this. If anyone on the forum knows how to solve the problem, please help. I will really appreciate this.

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