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Logout from two shops with same domain

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So we have two shops that are on the same domain. www.domain.com (Shop 1) and www.domain.com/shop (Shop 2). What we want is that when you logout from shop 2 that you also are logged out from shop 1 and vice versa. We got login to work, but logout seems impossible. It works fine on our local environment with both login and logout. Since everything is on the same domain I just can't understand why the cookies won't be cleared. So we have a module that is hooked to hookActionAuthentication (login) and hookActionCustomerLogoutAfter (logout) and one Configuration value holding the shop id of the opposite shop. This is our code:

public function hookActionAuthentication($params) {

        $cookie = new Cookie('ps-s' . Configuration::get('OPPOSITE_SHOP'));
        $shop = new Shop(Configuration::get('OPPOSITE_SHOP'));
        $cookie->__set('id_compare', $this->context->cookie->id_compare);
        $cookie->__set('id_customer', $this->context->cookie->id_customer);
        $cookie->__set('customer_lastname', $this->context->cookie->customer_lastname);
        $cookie->__set('customer_firstname', $this->context->cookie->customer_firstname);
        $cookie->__set('logged', 1);
        $cookie->__set('is_guest', $this->context->cookie->is_quest);
        $cookie->__set('passwd', $this->context->cookie->passwd);
        $cookie->__set('email', $this->context->cookie->email);

    public function hookActionCustomerLogoutAfter($params) {
         $cookie = new Cookie('ps-s' . Configuration::get('OPPOSITE_SHOP'));
          $shop = new Shop(Configuration::get('OPPOSITE_SHOP'));

          setcookie($cookie->getName(), '', 1);
          setcookie($cookie->getName(), '', 1, '/');
          setcookie($cookie->getName(), '', 1, $shop->getUrls()[0]['physical_uri']);

So what am I missing? I just can't understand why the cookies won't be cleared. The physical_uri for both shops is '/' (needed to unset it for local development). Even tried other php scripts for clearing cookies, which clears them locally but doesn't logout on opposite shop. So what kind of [spam-filter] does Prestashop do with my cookies?


Kind Regards


Edited by kalle@makewebo (see edit history)
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