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I am trying to set up a new carrier for our products but every time I finish the 4 steps and click "FINISH", I get the same error:



Error thrown: [object Object]
Text status: parsererror



Can somebody help me out to solve this, please?


I can not air my shop until I have this part set up and I need to start selling yesterday!


Thanks in advance for your support.





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Your report is very vague. Nobody will be able to help you this way. 


First you need the basics: what is your Prestashop version and what carrier are you trying to install and any specifics about this installation. There is always a chance that this is a known bug and somebody will recognize it.


If that doesn't bring a reaction you will need to find out what the error messages are. You can look in the error log of your server, switch on development mode and look with F12 what the AJAX command returned. 

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